Quick Weight Loss Tips for Women


If we can define quick weight loss tip for women would be in terms of days, weeks or months?

If you are thinking in terms of days or even weeks, I will ask you to stop this moment; then go into the kitchen and splash a little ice cold water on your face and wake up and smell the coffee woman. It is neither realistic nor healthy to follow the type of extreme diet to achieve noticeable or measurable weight loss, period!

There are so many changes in metabolism that occur in intracellular levels that have natural speed for them to adapt and change. In other words, it takes time and we are talking about 4-6 months to begin to see measurable changes in weight loss in women.

I have trained many women and once in a while I tackle some customers who say “My goal is to lose weight and I’m going to lose about 23 pounds in the next 3-5 weeks.” And my answer is this, “you will need to drive about 7 miles each day and sprint about 3 times / week and squeezing strength in the middle of the day,” and the unrealistic suggestions go on and on!

So before I provide you with a quick weight loss tips that are realistic in terms of time, I want to say that you will teach you to achievable weight loss goals or strength training objectives …

– the body can

– The free time that you can offer a day

-. Understanding the training progress and body adjustments to continue to lose excess body fat until you reach your goals

– And the other part lifestyle in order to succeed

Quick Weight Loss Tips

– Performing High metabolic exercises several times a week. For example, if you want to practice your feet for that particular day, then think about designing 3 to 4 exercises that train your lower body, so that, jump rope, walking lunges, short running some kind of net practice.

– Depending on how sensitive your body is carbohydrates, you have to do damage control by reducing your intake methodically and observe what is set point that works for you in terms of noticing lose weight

Remember that to be effective you have to put in extra effort and performance to accelerate your success. So make sure you are mentally and physically prepared for this, and you will be satisfied with your performance.


Fast Weight Loss Raw Food Diet! – Does it Really



People following strict raw food diet have reported drastic weight loss results. Some who have gone only-raw-food diet have reported weight loss up to 15 pounds in the first week! In this article I will show you how you can achieve rapid weight loss on the raw food diet.

Why should the raw food diet may help you lose weight fast?

There are several reasons why raw food experts point out …

Low Calorie & Related Effects raw foods are very low in calories relative to their size. This means that you can eat a whole lot of raw fruits and vegetables and you would feel more full & you still would not end up consuming a lot of calories. This itself should have good control over the number of calories you consume and help weight.

If you compare it to the kind of mistakes people make, trying to follow other diets, you can see how useful a raw food diet can be. For example: People trying to follow other diets end up starving and always seem to be fighting their hunger and temptation. They are more likely to binge and eat “just one brownie” and actually nullify all the work they have done, dieting and exercising, in recent days. And this happens very often!

So you see the following raw-food diet, you will not be in a constant state of hunger that will make things much better for your weight loss goals and your mind! You can easily restrict your calorie intake to 1200 calories (if you are a woman) or 1800 calories (if you are male) and not drive yourself mad hungry! This is the main reason why rapid weight loss on the raw food diet is possible. But there is one other important reason

Digestive Enzymes :. Raw foods contain a lot of digestive enzymes prepared / cooked food just is not. The reason behind this is the fact that when food is heated above 118 degrees, the enzymes change their structure and break down. Because of this, prepared or cooked food is not rich in digestive enzymes!

But what have the digestive enzymes have to do with weight loss?

Well, the following explanation is a bit of an over-simplification. But basically, digestive enzymes help the body break down the food we eat. If there are a lot of digestive enzymes, the body breaks down food in its simplest form. When it is done. The body can use the food much more efficiently. If this is not done, the lack of digestive enzymes, the body ends up storing most of the food we eat. And this leads to obesity! So, you can see the benefits of enzyme rich raw food diet.

so, because these two reasons, rapid weight loss on the raw food diet is indeed possible. But, even if it was not the case, there are many health benefits of consumption of raw fruits and vegetables. I have yet to find a study that says “bad for health” to go to a raw food diet. There seems to be no side effects! So you should definitely give it a try! But wait, there’s more …
