Mean Green Juice Recipe to Lose Weight Fast and Healthily


It’s a myth that juices make you fat. Perhaps there may be some truth to that if you are consuming store-bought juice which has been heated and lost most of its goodness, but freshly squeezed juices, especially if you use them to replace a meal, will bring fast weight loss – naturally and healthily.

Most of us eat a highly processed diet which acidifies in the body, resulting in weight gain, illness and disease. If you make a point of eating 80% alkalizing food in your daily diet, you will lose weight automatically as the body begins to correct the pH balance.

Added to that, juice digests in the system really fast compared to a meal which may take 3 hours! This will contribute to fast weight loss that is not detrimental to your health. And if you really want to go all-out, going on a juice fast will result in exceptionally fast weight loss, although be prepared to experience detoxification symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, backache, diarrhoea, etc. I personally prefer a juice fast to having just water on a fast, especially if you still need to work while fasting. Having juice instead of just water on a fast will help make a fast a lot easier.

Here is my favourite juice recipe that’s packed with nutrients and will help you lose weight fast. Although it contains herbs and veggies, the fruit makes it sweet. The parsley actually gives it a unique flavour that can almost be described as addictive!

The Mean Green Juice (makes 1 – 2 glasses):


2 apples – keep the skins on but remove the pips and cut into wedges

1 pear – keep the skin on but remove the pips and cut into wedges

1 kiwi – keep the skin on and cut into wedges

Handful grapes – remove stalks

½ celery stick

3 spinach leaves

1 broccoli floret

¼ cucumber

½ handful parsley

¼ handful mint


Simply juice all together and enjoy. It can be refrigerated for a maximum period of 48 hours. Remember that light and heat destroy nutrients, so keep it cool and dark.

Another tip is that if you go on a juice fast, be sure to prepare your body by eating raw food for a minimum period of one day prior to fasting.

Also remember that before you go on a fast of any kind, it may be wise to consult with your doctor first, especially if you have a medical condition or take chronic medication.


Using P90X For Weight Loss – A Must Read!


The P90X is an extreme workout program created by Tony Horton, which people of all ages, shapes and sizes are using to get extreme results. Many people ask the questions: can I use P90X for weight loss? The answer is yes. P90X provides three different workout schedules, Classic, Lean and Doubles, which are described briefly below, but one in particular is the perfect schedule to provide real weight loss – P90X Doubles.

First, a quick overview of the Classis and Lean schedules:


Most people that use P90X start with this schedule. This is where I started. The Classic Workout Schedule is provides the best combination of weight training and cardiovascular exercise routine allowing people to achieve phenomenal results. This schedule is also perfect for anyone limited in time since the longest workout, Yoga X, is 1.5 hours. The rest of the workouts run between 52-59 minutes. If you chose to follow the Classic routine and follow the P90X diet guide, you will obtain great results. The actual schedule runs 6 days a week, with an optional workout on the 7th day, and looks like this:

1. Day 1: Chest and Back + Ab Ripper X

2. Day 2: Plyometrics

3. Day 3: Shoulders and Arms+ Ab Ripper X

4. Day 4: Yoga X

5. Day 5: Legs and Back + Ab Ripper X

6. Day 6: Kempo X

7. Day 7: Off or X Strech

Now, the above schedule is for Phase I, first 3 weeks. The fourth week is a recovery week, with different routines. In weeks 5-7 and 9-12, the schedule is the same except for the fact that the resistance workouts on Mondays and Wednesdays change. Again, week 8 and 13 are the recovery week. The Classic P90X Workout Schedule is perfect for those ready to get extreme results, not necessarily losing a ton of weight, but truly changing their body.


The Lean Workout Schedule focuses more on cardio conditioning than resistance exercises. This schedule is perfect for those people that want to start slow or have a lot more weight to loss. It will allow you to trim down significantly before putting on muscle. Anyone that is concerned with being able to handle the intense workouts of the Classic routine, this is the place to start.

Here is just a quick peek at what the Lean schedule looks like (just example of types of workouts – they change every phase):

1. Day 1: Core Synergistics

2. Day 2: Cardio X

3. Day 3: Shoulders and Arms + Ab Ripper X

4. Day 4: Yoga X

5. Day 5: Legs and Back + Ab Ripper X

6. Day 6: Kempo X

7. Day 7: Off or X Stretch

Now, the above schedule is for Phase I, first 3 weeks. The fourth week is a recovery week same as the Classic Schedule, with different routines. In weeks 5-7, the schedule is the same except for the fact that the resistance workout on Wednesday changes. Week 8 and 13 are the recovery week. The one interesting part of the Lean routine is Phase III. In this phase, you will start to transition to a more Classic type schedule, preparing your body for your next round of P90X. As you can see, the Lean schedule is designed as a lead up into Classic schedule. However, if you really want to blast your body to new heights, you must try Doubles.

The Quickest Way to Blast Fat and Reshape Your Body


Double is the best way to lose the most weight will doing P90X. It is not for the faint of heart. However, it is for those people that can handle the workouts, but have a lot of weight to lose. I know a lot of former athletes that have put on the “marriage 20” and have used Doubles to get back in tremendous shape, some to the best shape of their lives. Now please understand, with Doubles you will need a lot more dedication and time, upwards of 2 hours and 20 minutes on some days (split between 2 workouts). After Phase I, in most cases you will begin your day with Cardio X, which is about 45 minutes long. Later on that day or in the evening, you will perform your resistance workout plus Ab Ripper X.

The Doubles schedule looks a lot like the Classic schedule, at least in Phase I. This changes in Phase II by adding 3 cardio workouts each week on top of the resistance workouts. In phase III, the intensity is amped up again by adding a fourth Cardio X workout. The actual schedule, at least for Phase II, looks like this:

1. Day 1: AM – Cardio X / PM – Chest, Shoulder and Triceps + Ab Ripper X

2. Day 2: Plyometrics

3. Day 3: AM – Cardio X/ PM – Bach and Biceps + Ab Ripper X

4. Day 4: Yoga X

5. Day 5: AM – Cardio X / PM -Legs and Back + Ab Ripper X

6. Day 6: Kempo X

7. Day 7: Off or X Stretch T

This is an extreme schedule! In Phase III, you will add another morning Cardio X session. AS you can see, this Doubles schedule is sure to blast away fat and completely reshape your body. Many people have seen weight loss results upwards of 25 pounds. What a truly incredible workout program P90X is.

Well, I hope this general overview of the P90X workout schedules was informative. Remember, if you are looking for extreme weight loss and body reshaping, go with the Doubles routine. It is the quickest way to the body you desire. But regardless of the schedule you chose, just keep pushing play!


Give Your Diet an Edge With These 7 Weird, Fast Weight Loss Tips


Eat less and exercise more. Those are fast weight loss tips we’ve all heard time and time again. Below you’ll find a few unconventional methods that could help you lose weight fast, and help you wiggle into your skinny jeans.

#1: Think small to get smaller. Most of us think in terms of three square meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. But research indicates that by dividing exactly the same amount of calories into five or six mini snacks a day your blood sugar spikes less. Spikes in blood sugar can make you extremely hungry, so if you want to get less hungry, eat smaller meals more often. Hunger is a distraction that makes it difficult to lose weight fast.

#2: A new you starts with blue. When was the last time you saw a fast-food restaurant painted blue? There’s a good reason for that – they make more when you eat more, and color therapists agree the color blue acts as an appetite suppressant. If you want to lose weight fast, try serving up your dinner on a blue plate, and find yourself a blue tablecloth. Even better, put a blue light bulb in your refrigerator. One of the more strange fast weight loss tips, it’s true. But most of us need all the help we can get! Also, if you want to lose weight fast, you might want to avoid the other side of the color wheel – reds, yellows, and oranges make you want to eat more.

#3: Eat on my signal. This tip to lose weight fast isn’t strange or weird. Its common sense. don’t start eating until you hear your stomach rumbling. We eat when we get bored, stressed out or nervous. We eat so often we can’t remember what actual hunger feels like. Let your stomach growl, then grab a bite. That noise you’re hearing is the sweet sound of success.

#4: Get some culture. Here’s one of the more sensible fast weight loss tips – eat lots of low-fat (or no fat) yogurt. Studies show that if you cut 500 calories a day over three months, and eat yogurt three times a day for the same period, you’ll lose more weight and body fat than if you simply cut calories. The magic ingredient seems to be calcium to lose weight fast. Try some of the new non-fat Greek yogurts on the market – they are thick, filling and delicious. Plus they give you three times more protein than regular non-fat yogurt.

#5: Get a closed sign, and use it. After dinner every night, close your kitchen down. Clean it up and close it down. If you have to, put crime scene tape over the doors! You can’t lose weight fast if you’re eating late night snacks. They are the enemy of the serious dieter. Eating later at night increases your overall number of calories. Some studies show that closing your kitchen at night can save you more than 300 calories a day. That alone could help you lose 31 pounds a year!

#6: Eat your Wheaties! Studies find that if instead of eating a traditional breakfast you eat cereal every day, you are significantly less likely to suffer from obesity and diabetes. You get less fat, more fiber and more calcium than folks who eat other foods for breakfast. Very important if you want to lose weight fast. It shouldn’t take a list of fast weight loss tips to tell you that the cereals we’re talking about don’t include sugary kiddy cereals. Be smart, learn to read food labels and and enjoy your high-fiber, low-sugar breakfast.

#7: Go nuts. Want to lose weight fast? Try going a little nuts instead of eating a candy bar or bag of chips. Studies found that obese people who eat a diet lower in fat, along with a handful of nuts a day lose more weight than non-nut eaters. Fast weight loss tips don’t come much nuttier than that!


Drinking Coffee With Garcinia Cambogia Can Help Improve Your Mood


Usually Garcinia Cambogia is associated with weight loss. However, while doing some research on I came across some other very surprising information. Another benefit of this herb may be that can also help improve your mood.

Garcinia Cambogia has been touted as a powerful weight loss tool. The pumpkin shaped fruit that comes from parts of India, Indonesia, Asia, and Africa is a staple food to the native people there. The skin or rind of the fruit contains hydroxycitric acid or HCA. HCA promotes weight loss by blocking fats from entering the body and also by reducing the appetite of those that consume it. These two effects are a great one two punch, that is very effective at assisting with weight reduction for those that consume Garcinia Cambogia.

While the weight loss features of this product are the main focus of much of the attention focused on it, there is another side benefit to the consumtion of Garcinia Cambogia products that is being over looked. Many people are noticing that along with the reduction of the waistline, and the numbers on their scales steady going downward, that they are also getting an improved outlook of life! That’s right! there is a noticeable change in their mood and out look on life.

The realization of this, puts together a number of the pieces to the puzzle as to why Garcinia Cambogia can be so effective as a weight reduction tool. Now instead of a one two punch, we have a one, two, three, punch! What happens when people get depressed? Yes, they tend to eat more. Eating more increases caloric intake and adds to weight gain. Making people feel better, with a better mood, also helps to reduce the caloric intake of that person.

Why do people have a noticeable improvement in their mood when they consume Garcinia Cambogia?

HCA in addition to blocking fats, and suppressing the appetite, also increases the production of serotonin in the body. Serotonin in one of the active ingredients in many antidepressant medications. Serotonin is one of the compounds that stimulates your brain to make you feel good. Low levels of serotonin is what causes people to feel down and causes then to eat in reaction to those feelings. Many times this is called emotional eating.

Add to the list of benefits for Garcinia Cambogia the better mood effects of this wonderful fruit. Increased serotonin levels will help you feel better. When you feel better, you are more content and tend to eat less. Eating less for most of us is a good thing. When you combine this with the appetite reduction effects and the fat blocking capabilities of this fruit, you have a very powerful combination that will help you with weight loss.


Secrets To Successful Interval Training For Weight Loss


The term weight loss gets over 7 million searches every month. It brings up over 150 million results. With so much information out there, how is anyone supposed to know what works. Interval training for weight loss works, if you do it right.

If weight loss is your goal, then interval training is the key to success.

First of all, what is interval training?

Simply put, interval training is exercising with bursts of intense activity, spaced out between slower, less intense activities. A simple example would be jogging for 60 seconds, and then sprinting for 15, and continuing the cycle.

If you want to have real success, there is more to it.

Here are some key tips to help ensure your success with interval training for weight loss.

1 – Eat Before You Exercise

Don’t just eat anything. About 30 minutes before you start your workout, eat something healthy, and easily digested. Some great snacks include carbs (whole wheat), quality protein, along with fruits and vegetables. Research has shown that eating something healthy about 30 minutes before your interval training workout will help you workout harder, longer, and burn more calories after the workout.

2 – Warm Up

You may be starting your workout off with a slow, low intensity movement, but you will soon be going all out. Not warming up is just asking for an injury.

3 – Use Your Large Muscles Groups

It is not uncommon to see people in the gym saying they are trying to lose weight, but doing nothing but single joint movements, such as bicep curls. They focus on 1 muscles, often a smaller muscle, and they wonder why they aren’t losing weight. If you want to burn big calories, use your big muscles. Total body movements are great, since, well, they incorporate your whole body. Remember, more muscles being used will optimize your interval training for weight loss.

4 – Mix Up The Length Of The Intervals

There are benefits to long (60 – 90 second) intervals, along with shorter (20 – 30 second) intervals. Simply put, the more you surprise your body, the better. People are often hesitant about going all out when they know that they will need to keep it up for 60-90 seconds. When you know that the interval is only going to last for 20 – 30 seconds, you can really go into it with an all out attitude.


Starting a Weight Loss Workout Program


In the world today, there are millions of people who are overweight. Many could be classified as obese. Medical experts believe that this number is growing at an epidemic rate. One of the biggest contributing factors is the alarming lack of exercise for most people. This is especially true for children. They often spend most of their free time in front of the TV or playing the latest computer game rather than playing more active games outside. Many schools no longer offer physical education classes, which makes things even worse.

One way to combat the effects of obesity is to develop a weight loss workout plan. Depending on the degree of obesity, this may be difficult for the person suffering from the weight problem. For those who are not currently active, it is always a good idea to first consult your physician. Once you have your doctor’s okay, then start your workout program slowly.

When you think of a weight loss workout program, what comes to mind? For most people, the image is a strenuous workout on huge machines, huffing and puffing, struggling to catch a breath, with your clothes soaked with sweat, and a lot of other people around to watch them. They often feel like they will be laughed at, and in turn, choose to do nothing. This puts their health and possibly their lives at risk.

The truth is, that a workout program for the purpose of losing weight can include many different types of workouts. It can be as simple as starting out taking walks around the block and increasing the distance every month. Buying a treadmill may give you the incentive to start a weight loss workout program in the privacy of your own home. You can gradually work up to a fitness center when they feel comfortable doing so. A workout program can be as aggressive as you choose.

For those who want to join a fitness center, and have no idea what type of workout program is right for them, there are personal trainers who can assist you in forming a weight loss workout program that is perfect for you.

Before you start, however, it is important that you remember to consult your physician first. Before starting any type of workout program for losing weight you need to rule out any underlying problems. Once you get started, you will be surprised at how easy it is to add your new routine as a daily habit. The key is to start slowly, then gradually build up your time as it becomes easier.


Simple Fast Weight Loss – Lose 5 Pounds a Week


The rate of people becoming overweight in the world is increasing more than it ever has. That is why people search for easy and fast ways to lose weight. Since it seems like it takes so much effort to drop a pound, simple fast weight loss sounds too good to be true. Although there are many programs that deliver empty promises the simple fast weight loss method is to just decrease caloric intake and increase activity. This article gives a brief overview of the mathematics of weight loss.

The average American woman eats about 1,800 calories a day; for men the figure is 2,800 calories. (men tend to have higher calorie needs because their bodies have a greater percentage of muscle than woman and muscle burns more calories than fat) given the example that a woman is maintaining her weight at 1,800 calories a day. The question is how much will she lose on a 1000 calorie diet? By taking away 800 calories from her daily intake she would be avoiding 5,600 calories in a week. 3500 calories equals one pound of fat so if you divide that by 5600 you get roughly 1 ½ pounds. When this is coupled with physical activity, double the weight can be lost. Initially, more weight will drop because water retention will decrease but with that easy method, as much as 5 pounds a week can be lost.

One drawback to this way of losing weight is your basal metabolic rate will drop because your body is receiving a lot less calories than normal. The way to overcome this is to increase your caloric intake slowly after a week or two from initially not consuming as many calories.

This simple fast weight loss method is very effective and when implemented correctly losing weight can seem almost effortless.


Healthy Weight Loss With a Candida Diet


A Candida diet can immeasurably improve your digestive system and achieve healthy weight loss at the same time. Often times when you are struggling with weight you have systemic Candida because you are eating the wrong types of food. Candida loves sugar and refined carbohydrates which makes it very difficult to sustain healthy weight loss.

Candida feeds from these foods to multiply and spread and cause havoc within the body. An abnormal intestinal bacterial environment, poor diet, overuse of antibiotics, pregnancy and a weak immune system are the primary factors that will promote and prolong candida growth.

A Candida diet will counteract and prevent the yeast from multiplying and spreading and support healthy weight loss. You will need to stop ingesting all sugar and refined carbohydrates as they supply a fertile ground for the infiltration of the toxic yeast. Candida needs to be starved of its favorite source of energy for healthy weight loss and to regain balance. Your GI tract needs a healthy environment with good bacteria to burn fat.

Probiotics and supplements will support your Candida Diet but the underlying key to success is your nutrition. Excellent nutrition gives your digestive system a chance to kill off the toxic bacteria and starve the yeast so healthy weight loss can be established and maintained.

When you start the Candida diet you are detoxifying your system and you may feel worse before you start to feel better. This detoxifying process is called die-off and toxins are released into your system causing flu-like symptoms. This is normal and will vary from person to person.

What you Cannot Eat for Healthy Weight Loss on the Candida Diet

Of course it goes without saying that you cannot eat refined carbs or sugar which means no cookies, cakes, donuts, crackers, candy, deserts, bread, bagels, chocolate, pastries, syrup, honey, sugars, fermented foods and dried fruit.

No grains. This means pasta, rice, corn, wheat, millet, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, oats or barley. After two weeks you can introduce quinoa, amaranth, millet and buckwheat but only in moderation. Grains can turn into sugar in the body and you need to be aware of how you react to them. You only need to refrain from eating grains for the first 2-4 weeks to kill yeast and for healthy weight loss.

No yeasts allowed, meaning bread, cakes, muffins, baked goods, pastries, hydrolyzed yeasts and alcohol.

No peanuts – you can eat almonds and walnuts and pumpkin seeds.

No vinegar and no sauces – ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce, Worcestershire sauce, pickles, hot sauce, salad dressings, soy sauce, mayonnaise, dips, pickled peppers, horseradish and green olives.

No fruits or fruit juices and no sodas – berries, small apples and avocados are ok. You can also eat grapefruit, lemons and limes.

No potatoes or legumes, no breaded meats.

No coffee or tea, no diet or regular sodas.

What you Can Eat for Healthy Weight Loss on a Candida Diet

Eggs, salads, veggies, some fruits (mentioned above), grass fed or organic meats such as chicken, poultry, fowl, lamb, beef and fish. You can eat bacon occasionally.

Herbal teas and purified water are best to drink. You can also drink veggie juice, no fruit juice.

The Candida Diet is very strict to begin with and then after two to four weeks you can start to introduce foods back into your diet. Be careful about this as you want to successfully maintain healthy weight loss.

Discover more tips on healthy weight loss and a list of Candida symptoms.


Eating Foods That Encourage Weight Loss


There are many different food products out there today which encourage a healthier lifestyle and at the same time promote weight loss. With today’s ever growing obsession with generic, all-natural, and beneficial sources of food, it is no wonder that more and more companies are coming out with healthier substitutions for their products. Companies ranging anywhere from Kashi to Campbell’s promote a healthier diet. Eating nutritious foods will not only help by encouraging weight loss, but it will also benefit a person’s health in the future.

Eating foods which encourage weight loss doesn’t necessarily mean eating dietary products. A great example of a company which promotes a healthy and lean lifestyle is Kashi. This company promotes healthy nutrition not by encouraging diets but by providing the customer with the best health oriented and natural ingredients. Kashi uses a combination of protein, fiber, and whole grain to sustain one’s hunger and to provide the body with the proper nutrition.

Eating such foods is surely a great start to a healthier lifestyle and a leaner body. However, some people still find themselves searching for that midnight snack. As we all know by now, everyone’s body is different and we all react differently to certain products. While some people may benefit from consuming foods which encourage weight loss, other people may need to have additional help from purely dietary supplements. However, that should not discourage someone from aiming toward a healthier lifestyle. Dietary products have come a long way. There are many dietary products out there which are all natural and beneficial to one’s health. Once you find a product which you may be interested in purchasing, simply call the company and make sure that the item which you are buying is natural, safe, and effective.

Weight loss does not have to be dangerous and frightening; it simply requires the right information and the right products.


Weight Loss Cardio Workout – Why Your Current Cardio Workout Can Make You Fatter


Do you know the absolute best way to use a weight loss cardio workout to permanently lose weight?

Have you ever lost weight in the beginning from doing a lot of cardio only to hit a frustrating plateau?

If you are like most people the answer is yes and no and usually in the order!

This article is going to go over a few reasons why the average weight loss cardio workout might actually be preventing you from losing weight. Please pay special attention to this article because it can save you lots of time, help you enjoy exercise more, and give you a new outlook on losing with with cardio.

By using “cardio”, I am talking about using cardiovascular exercise on a basic cardio machine such as treadmills, rowing machines, upright or recumbent bikes, ellipticals, or any other common cardio machine you see at the gym or at a department store. This also refers to things such as walking outside or going for a bike ride.

It is very common see someone try to lose weight in the gym by getting on a cardio machine and trying to go for 30-60 minutes at a slow pace. They may try to do this 3, 4, or 5 days per week!

For the first 2-3 weeks, there is usually an immediate result. The weight on the scale goes down and you are feeling great. Soon after however, the weight loss slows down and your progress comes to a crashing halt.

Let’s go over 3 quick reasons why your hit a frustrating plateau with the normal cardio workout, and more importantly, how to avoid it completely.

Reason #1: It Is Boring!

Unless you are a long distance runner who loves running with all their heart, you probably would rather spend your time doing something other than going at a slow pace on a cardio machine for 30, 45, or 60 minutes. A 60 minute cardio workout 3-5 days a week is a sure way to lose all enthusiasm for exercise and be really bored throughout the whole process.

So many people who do this type of workout try to read a magazine, watch TV, talk on the phone, cover the timer with a towel, or do just about anything else to distract them from their workout.

Reason #2: You Burn Fewer Calories Each Time You Workout

Your body will adapt very quickly to doing a very slow and long weight loss cardio workout. Think about it like this. If you went outside and ran a mile right now it would feel pretty difficult if you were not already a conditioned runner. But what if you ran the same mile 5 days per week for the next two months? It would get easier. Your body would adapt to it because that is what it does best.

The same goes for the average weight loss cardio workout that lasts for 30, 45, or even 60 minutes. At first you might burn a lot of calories, but after doing the same type of cardio workout for too long, the body will become more efficient and will adapt.

This means that the workout that burned 300 calories in January might only be burning 150 calories in March! The only thing you can do it so longer or work harder. Neither one sounds like a very appealing option.

Reason #3: The Average Weight Loss Cardio Workout Does Not Stimulate Your Metabolism

Instead of focusing on the number of calories you burned during a single workout, I want you to instead focus on burning calories during the workout and for hours afterwards!

Research has shown that slow same speed cardio does next to nothing to stimulate your resting metabolism. This means that you workout for 45 minutes, burn 300 calories, and then negate the whole workout with a Gatorade afterwards.

How to Fix This Problem

Did you know that you can use a different type of cardio called interval training that can burn a lot of calories during the actual cardio workout and for hours afterwards as well?

When performed correctly, interval training is faster, more fun, and most importantly, has been shown in research to have a dramatic effect on your resting metabolism. This means that you might burn 300 calories during the actual workout, then another 300 the throughout the rest of the day!

Interval training is an excellent weight loss cardio workout option for this very reason. Interval training simply consists of using both high and low speeds and intensities at set points in your workout. It can be done on any cardio machine and can even be done walking outside!

If you are truly serious about achieving weight loss with a cardio workout, then learning more about interval training is an absolute must. Your will feel like you got twice the workout in half the time and have a lot more results to show for it!
