Easy Weight Loss Plan For Teens – One Week Program to Weight Loss


Any easy weight loss program for teens should be designed to get rid of excess fat as quickly as possible, while at the same time, maintaining healthy lean muscles and body fluids. The idea of having a program is so that teens can develop a consistent approach to their weight loss as well as their endurance when exercising.

When starting the program, please adopt a positive and confident attitude in order for you to stay focused and committed. Do not be impatient because you know very well that you will eventually achieve your goal as long as you stick to your program. You also need to prepare your mind and more importantly your body, but getting a check-up by your doctor.

Before embarking on your exercise routines, remember to do some stretching exercises to avoid any injury. Stretching should also be done after exercising. Always relax and make yourself feel comfortable when going through your exercise routines. Don’t be too tense or try too hard. Exercise according to your physical conditions. Aim to workout until you perspire and your heart beat pumping at a constant rate, but don’t make it so easy that it does not pose much of a challenge.

Let’s now take a look at what an easy weight loss plan for teens is like.

On the first day, your aim is to take a long walk (at least 20 to 30 minutes) around your neighbourhood or nearby park. Follow this with some stretching exercises. Congratulations! You have taken the important first step towards your weight loss.

On the second day, do some upper body exercises like lifting weights, some sit-ups and some push-ups. This will strengthen your muscles in preparation for more exercises in the coming days. Remember to do the exercises in moderation, and not overwork yourself.

On the third day, take a brisk walk or slow jog for at least 10 to 20 minutes.

On the fourth day, give yourself a good rest. Just do some simple stretching exercises to reduce the soreness you may be feeling in your muscles. Use the rest time to motivate yourself.

On the fifth day, brisk walk for ten minutes. Then, followed by a jog for another ten minutes. Then, walk (may be brisk walk or at your normal pace) again for ten minutes, and another ten minutes of jogging.

On the sixth day, do some low impact exercises like swimming or cycling. Or any other exercises of your choice. This will spice up your routine and prevents boredom.

On the seventh, start your routine all over again. This time, you may want to try walking for a longer distance or on a different route. And to spice up your program even more, ask a love one or love ones, like your family members or friends to come along.

And there you have it, your easy weight loss plan for teens. You will find yourself fitter and is able to stick to your program and routines. Since, you have come this far, your confidence level as well as your chance of success should be higher. Just remember, do not give up. You may not see the result you want just yet. But, patience is a virtue. It is only a matter of time before you reach your ideal body weight.


Weight Loss – Seven Simple Tips


Simple weight loss tips to help kick off your program will go a long way to success. Following a program is important, but getting started ASAP is advisable. Below, we will share 7 tips that have used by millions successfully to help them gradually get into their relative program, regardless of the program.

Tip #1: Realistic Weight Loss Goals

First step, set a realistic goal. The quickest way to bloat back up is to set an unrealistic goal before your program even starts. To help set your goals, ask yourself a couple simple questions, such as… “What is the overall goal of this weight loss program?” and “What amount of weight do you want to lose overall, in a month, in a week?” Just remember, that baby steps is important and that every small goal you reach, is a step to your ultimate goal. Recognizing this will help you set realistic goals from the beginning.

Tip # 2: Be Prepared

Get ready, get set, slow down. Before you set out to the grocery store or fitness center, it is smart to prepare for your journey. Start closer to home by getting rid of junk food, colas, those puddings you love. Depending on the program you will follow, there will be some sort of diet to follow. Some programs may be detailed to the point of providing a grocery list, others simple guidelines.

Tip # 3: Reward Yourself

Every once in awhile, give yourself a pat on the back and reward yourself. Be smart and setup a reward system before hand. This may be a treat, or could be a new pair of running shoes, a running watch, etc.

Tip # 4: Start With A Good Weight Loss Breakfast

Many, many people skip this meal daily. Skipping your breakfasts can be lethal to your program; it is programming your brain to think you are running on severe empty and encourages you to gorge. You start to feel groggy and next thing you know, you are binging. This will just can your weight loss program.

Tip # 5: Exercise for Weight Loss

Exercising is very important to your overall goal. Exercise will boost your rate of weight loss and provide long lasting effects. This needs to become routine…remember, you must do something for 30 days for it to become routine. This exercising could be setting times for simple walks in the neighborhood.

Tip # 6: Get More Sleep

Sleep is very important. Did you know that the average person, regardless of level of health, requires eight hours of sleep per night. Starting a ritual to going to bed at a decent time and getting the needed eight hours is very important and crucial to your success.

Tip # 7: Take time To Relax

Relaxing is important as sleep, but it does not mean a nap in the afternoon. This is a time for mediation and affirmation…positive thinking, etc. Seeing yourself at your goal weight will really get you through to your ultimate goal.

Following these simple tips will help you start off on the right foot to achieving your weigh loss program goals. Remember to FOLLOW the plan and be consistent.


Can You Melt Belly Fat By Drinking Blueberry Juice?


There was a woman’s magazine at the grocery checkout stand which featured “The juice that Melts Belly fat!” The article talks of drinking two glasses a day–to lose 9 lbs and 3″ in a week! It is blueberry juice.

There are two universities that experimented with blueberry juice on rats. The first researcher is Pierre S. Haddad, Ph.D. He did his research on rats at the University of Montreal. Allegedly he was using an enriched blueberry juice.

He was contacted via email. Pierre Haddad wrote “Please note however that our study found no benefit of regular blueberry juice on weight loss in obese mice. It is biotransformed juice (fermented with a special patented process with a specific bacteria) that we published impressive results on.”

An experiment was tried by University of Michigan’s E. Mitchell Seymour, Ph.D. He allegedly fed fat mice blueberry-packed diet. He was quoted “Blueberry was altering abdominal fat!” He also said, “There have also been signs that blueberry COMPOUNDS may even turn off our fat genes.”

An email to E. Mitchell Seymour, Ph.D. was sent asking if he had fermented the blueberry juice/diet with special patented process with specific bacteria. He did not reply

The article also recommended drinking the juice with a meal. There are recommended antioxidant-packed meals to go along with the diet.

In Florida various grocery and health food stores were visited to find pure blueberry juice. The health food stores did not have blueberry juice nor blueberry supplements. They had a product that has blueberry as part of a weight loss product. The grocery stores have blueberry juice by Ocean Spray and other companies. Read the labels so you know what you are getting. Ocean Spray Diet Made with Real Fruit Juice 5 calories per serving Blueberry label states as follows: Filtered water, Blueberry Juice from Concentrate, Grape Juice from Concentrate, Carrot Juice from Concentrate, Natural Flavors and so on. Contains 4% Fruit Juice. Ocean Spray wrote how much of each juice in Diet Blueberry Juice won’t be disclosed because it is proprietary. Organic blueberry juice was in the grocery stores. It cost $7.99 and was only 32 oz. The Ocean Spray was 64 ounces and a lot cheaper.

People should drink half their body weight in ounces of water. If you are 150 pounds you should drink 75 ounces of water daily. That would be a half of a gallon which is 64 ounces plus another 11 ounces. If you are 256 pounds you should drink a gallon or 128 ounces of water per day. If you dislike the taste of water you could try drinking alkaline antioxidant ionized water. This water has a wonderful smooth taste.

Supposedly drinking 16 oz. of cold water 30 minutes before a meal will help you lose weight. The water will help you feel fuller. It will also prolong your feeling of fullness after a meal. Cold water allegedly speeds up your metabolism. The refrigerator cold water makes you body work to warm up the water to body temperature. This burns calories and speeds up your metabolism. A half of a gallon of water weights about 5 pounds a gallon would be 10 pounds. That gives you more weight without calories to burn more calories. The water will help you flush toxins from your body. Some of these toxins are associated with aging and making you have that tired feeling.


Use Food Pyramid For Healthy Weight Loss


There are tons of fad diets in the market that promises to burn fat in record time. They not only fail to meet their promises but are unhealthy too. Some of these diets claim – eat only bananas for a week and you will lose 10 pounds, drink cabbage soup for a month and you will lose 5 pounds. The claims of fad diets are interesting to say the least. Do you ever bother to remember the food pyramid that you studied in school time? That is the basis of sensible nutrition.

At the base of the pyramid are carbohydrates- rice, wheat and bread. Next comes vegetables and fruits followed by meat, nuts, eggs and the milk group. Whether a person has six or eight servings depends upon various factors. The only rule is to ensure that you get at least 1200 calories a day. The sugar intake must be kept at a maximum and fat intake must be kept at 20 of the total calories.

When you are on a calories deprivation diet that does not include exercise you shed weight extremely fast. This is because your body is burning protein for energy. Protein contains half the calories that fat does, so you double the amount to sustain the same levels of activity. Besides protein, muscle is four-fifths water. That reduces the quantity of energy derived by another one-fifth. Naturally the weighing scales seem so much friendlier! Unfortunately, by burning muscle protein the person concerned is lowering your basal metabolic rate as a result of which you will burn much less calories for the activities of daily living like sleeping or breathing. When you go back to your normal eating pattern, the weight will come back with a vengeance, because your body is now much less adept at burning calories.

To really see results you would need to exercise at least five days a week for 30 to 45 minutes at a fairly brisk pace. You should also get into some strength training. That way you will build lean muscle mass and every pound of muscle built burns 35 extra calories a day! You should not stop exercising once you have reached your target weight – you need to keep on a maintenance schedule of about 30 minutes three to four times a week.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.


Cardio for Weight Loss


The best cardio exercise for weight loss is not slow, boring cardio. Instead, to maximize fat burning and your metabolism, you need to do intervals. This form of cardio wil burn fat and help you lose weight faster than ever.

Q: I know intervals are great, but is it ever beneficial to do longer workouts of moderate intensity cardio? Is this what beginners should do?


Good question.

I think that the more fat a person has, the more they will simply benefit from any type of exercise. Therefore, even low-intensity work will help.

However, two things to consider before we just send everyone out for 60 minute jogs and cardio sessions.

1) Is the individual physically prepared for high-volume exercise?

Unfortunately, I’ve seen my share of clients that decided to jump back into fitness with long cardio workouts. Soon enough they were asking me to help rehab their injuries…whether they were small muscles strains or more serious overuse injuries.

So you always have to make sure that the individuals are physically prepared for the exercise program – which is why my training programs include introductory and beginner muscle strengthening phases in combination with exercise that focuses on calorie burning.

Many beginners will have weak muscles – somewhere along the line. So doing dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of repetitions (i.e. longer cardio stuff) can exacerbate small injuries into full-blown injuries. We must always be careful there…that’s one of the reasons that people drop out of exercise programs so frequently.

And that’s why fitness assessments are very important when you are able to work one-on-one with a trainer (or when you are a trainer – make sure you do these!).

2) Efficiency

You can get the same benefits as long cardio in half the time by doing structured interval training instead. So if time is a factor, then intervals rule.

So remember these 4 simple rules for your fat loss program and it will be effective, efficient, balanced, and safe:

1) Strengthen the weak muscles

2) Stretch the tight muscles

3) Burn more calories (through exercise and by boosting your metabolism with resistance training)

4) Improve your nutrition so that you are taking in fewer calories to lose fat, but not dieting so hard that you are messing up your body’s fat-burning hormones.

Cardio works for fat loss, but not the cardio you think. For weight loss, you need to boost your metabolism and fat burning with intervals.


Weight Loss – The Cookie Diet Plan


When people talk about the cookie diet plan, there are usually two types of reactions. One reaction is to say “Wow, that’s exciting! I’d love to eat cookies and lose weight!” and the other one is, “Oh yea that’s a nice fantasy…eat cookies and lose weight, ha ha..” or something to that effect. In my personal opinion the cookie diet plan is not a name that does this program justice because it sounds silly when in fact, it’s not silly at all.

It is an extremely smart and logical way to lose weight. The way it works is like this, everybody knows that it takes a low calorie diet to successfully lose weight. (Or, you can do enough exercise that will offset your calorie intake and create a negative calorie deficiency every week but that is MUCH more difficult to do.) However, a low calorie diet is hard to keep up with due to hunger pains which is something nobody should have to go through. When you eat very little calories you can get hungry again very quickly. Most foods that suppress your hunger are fatty and high in calories so they won’t help you lose weight at all.

What the Doctor who invented the cookie diet plan did was create a food that is LOW in calories, but also suppresses your hunger naturally using amino acids and food proteins. He is one of the only people to ever develop a low calorie food that is a natural hunger suppressant. Why more people haven’t done it, I have no idea. It’s simple, logical and scientific.

Basically, you eat 7 cookies a day which is about 500 calories and then a nutritious dinner consisting of lean meat and a green vegetable which is about 300. This gives you an 800 calorie/day diet and would normally be near impossible if it weren’t for the hunger suppressing agents in the cookie. I would recommend the cookie diet plan to anyone who is looking to lose weight the healthy way.


Show Meal Plan For LA Weight Loss Diet – weighing how much protein, carbohydrates and fat


LA Weight Loss Centers program menu ranging from 1,200 calories per 2,400 calories and are broken down into three phases. It follows the national proposal 50-55 percent carbohydrates, twenty-five to thirty percent of protein intake and twenty to twenty-five percent fat intake. It also emphasizes control began. The plan does not prohibit intake of the food.

This diet plan in three parts. The first phase is designed for weight loss. Dieter given calorie level by day from the questionnaire and customized based on personal needs. Phase recommends that Dieter see his counselor three times each week for support, training and supervision of food choices.

The second phase involves the stabilization period that would last six weeks. Customers go to this stage as soon as they reach weight-loss goals. The amount of calories taken is gradually increased. Again, this must be based on the development of the customer.

The third phase is the maintenance phase where Dieter is encouraged to consult with a counselor once a week and be in the program due to a one-year period, so that the weight lost will not be recovered

Below is a sample meal plan recommended diet plan said :.

o For breakfast Dieter is allowed to eat ¾ cup of corn flakes, eight ounces of skim milk and ¾ cup of blueberries

o lunch, Dieter can have four ounces of tuna in water, a tablespoon of light mayonnaise, a slice of rye bread 1 and ¼ cup of watermelon

o For dinner, Dieter can eat four ounces of shrimp, a cup of green beans and a tablespoon of low-fat margarine

o Dieter can have a snack between meals and snacks can comprise a mixture of either citric LA Lite, a small banana and eight ounces light yogurt; or chocolate caramel LA literacy and a half cup of cottage cheese


Amazingly Simple Weight Loss Tips


You need only look at the number of people who fail to succeed in their diet to realize that dieting is not easy. However, the steps that we need to follow for success are simple.

Here then are some simple weight loss tips that you can use to help you start losing weight today.

Eat small meals.

Eat small meals more often stops you from snacking and binging between meals as you will not be hungry. It also helps to keep your metabolism active and not give him the opportunity to change and start working at a lower rate.

Do not eat too much.

Try to eat smaller servings. Most people eat until they feel full but it really takes up to 20 minutes after eating for your body to understand fully. This means that when you find a lot of eating that you actually eat more than you had to.

drink plenty of water.

Water can help us feel less tired and energetic but most importantly it makes us feel fuller. Cold water also reduces the temperature in the back helps us to burn more calories and our body works to get the body temperature normal level.

Get some exercise.

You don ‘t have to do an amazing amount of exercise to get in better shape and more importantly to burn more calories. Hiking is a great way to get exercise, and it is something that everyone can do. Simply walking the dog or going to the shops on foot can make a big difference.

Following these simple weight loss tips as well as using the right dieting program should see to get results in no time at all.


7 Free Weight Loss Tips for Men


Here Dietitians agree are the Top 7 basic weight loss tips for men, if you’re serious about losing weight.

1. State your weight loss goals and focus

Because eating habits must change and it is important that you think seriously about your goals. Whether it is due to obesity, self-esteem or to look more attractive, what priority, have a clear focus will help keep you on track.

2. Mental preparation for weight loss

Spend time mentally prepare yourself for the change in diet and habits are important to succeed you really need to think long term . With the change in your diet in the early stages, whether it is to prevent your Friday night curry or change the favorite dish is the most difficult, but once you have broken the back of the first weeks of the new established routine will become much easier.

3. Keep a food diary to track your weight loss

This is part of the preparation. Write down when and where you eat and what you had to check your mood. All this information will help assess your goals and the changes you will inevitably make. Unless you fully understand your relationship with food patterns, making changes to long-term weight loss will become ineffective. As long as you find it useful so as to bring the discipline every day, keep a diary going until you find that you have to adopt a new diet.

4. Lifestyle and weight loss

Just by reducing the number of fast food that are extremely packed with excessive sugar, salt, fat and toxins you will start to lose weight by to kick this habit. In truth, taste buds will improve when you start to eat healthier food and automatically crave appropriate types of food quality as opposed to fast food garbage.

5. Be realistic about weight loss

One should start with the goal of losing £ 2 week maximum. While we would love to shred £ fast, this is just not healthy for your body. In addition, you will be burning up muscle and not fat that causes your metabolism to slow down means long-term weight loss will be much harder.

6. Cut out snacks to maintain weight loss

snacking is all too easy and 90% of the sweets are high in calories. You need to cut out high calorie snacks to make this work or replace them with fruit and the like.

7. Eat a healthy diet to maintain weight loss

Knowledge of basic healthy nutrition will inevitably mean making the right choices in the foods you choose

-. Some carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, pasta, rice.

– Some protein such as lean meat, fish, chicken, legumes, turkey, egg, soy foods.

– Some fruits and vegetables.

-. Some fats such as oil, seeds, nuts

By maintaining a healthy diet you do not need to add extra vitamins or minerals in the diet. Do not forget to treat yourself to let on is fine but make sure some sins are balanced with healthy style including some moderate daily exercise or join a gym club or take up a new sport.

Do not beat yourself over the head if things go wrong; just re-focus and press.


Comparison of Weight Loss Supplements


Thin is in. It is the idea of ​​the community of attractive person is someone who has a smaller waistline. Most of us think that a perfect body is one that is less than what we have at the moment. A lot of companies have taken advantage of this perception by introducing a wide range of weight loss supplements, each promising favorable results.

The problem is, because there are just a lot of choices in the market, we have no idea which ones are safe for weight loss. Comparison of weight loss supplements is just what you need to start with diet therapy. It would not hurt to look into each of these products and compare them with other weight loss supplements on the market.

Here is a comparison of weight loss supplements that are available in the market these days. A weight loss supplement comparison might help you to choose which diet pill would suit you best. It is also important to be well informed about dietary supplements to ensure that you stay healthy while going through weight loss therapy.

Take the brand side, the proper comparison of weight loss supplements are looking into what these products are made. We need to find out more about the pros and cons of taking each product so that we can make the necessary lifestyle changes while taking our choice supplements. Read through this weight loss supplement comparison, and make sure to ask your doctor for more information about different types of dietary supplements before buying anything.

Carbohydrate blockers for fat loss

Carbohydrate Blockers Prevent basically carbohydrates break down so the body can not take them and cause weight gain. They are mostly made of proteins that stop the conversion of starchy foods sugar digestion so it is not stored in our body as fat. According to recent studies seem carb blockers to be effective in aiding weight loss. There are no reports of negative side effects yet which is why this type of supplement is quite popular these days. Before you buy the next carb blocker pills, however, to make sure that it is produced by a very solid company to ensure that you are getting your money’s worth. You also need to consider taking carb blockers do not give you access pass to all-you-can eat fries or bread. It’s still good to go on a low-carb diet because these products can only do so much.

Curb eat conducive to lose weight

Another type of product numbers compared to our weight loss supplement that suppresses appetite. This is one of the most popular diet pills nowadays. In fact, the appetite suppressant is a substance that curbs hunger by making you feel full even when you’re eating less. The idea is that when you eat less, you do not get a lot of weight and body to burn the excess fat so you lose unnecessary weight. This product is recommended only for short-term use as a long-term consumption of such products can be harmful to your health. Some dietary supplements belonging to this species containing ephedrine, a substance that can cause an increased heart rate that could lead to cardiovascular complications. Ingestion can cause a lot of negative side effects such as upset stomach, insomnia, irritability and chest. Before you take to reduce your appetite, make sure to ask your doctor because this product can not be used by people who have a history of high blood pressure, diabetes or thyroid problems.

fat burners

main term fat loss supplement is Thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is the process of increasing body heat, leading to increased metabolism and the breakdown of body fat. Most fat loss products contain a mixture of cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar and green tea are said to have thermogenic capacity. These materials are not without side effects, however. Prolonged use of these products can also cause gastrointestinal problems. It is also important to combine the consumption of fat burners with a healthy diet and proper exercise to build muscle mass should store more fat in the body.

The cortisol antagonists

Commonly referred to as the stress hormone cortisol is a natural steroid hormone that is also connected to the other body as blood sugar regulation. The adrenal glands secrete in this hormone in huge amounts during times of stress and some analysts argue that the increase in cortisol production also leads to increased production of fat cells. There are also other reports that argue whether the increase in cortisol levels actually have a direct effect on weight gain. The truth is cortisol is still important for the body so you may want to think twice about this particular product. If stress can lead to weight gain, it is a healthy lifestyle all you need to lose unwanted weight.
