Whole Foods Mataræði: The Best Þyngd Tap Áætlun


Ef þú hefur alltaf leitað á internetinu fyrir næringarfræðingur aðferðir áður en þú hefur sennilega verið sprengjuárás með auglýsingum um hrun næringarfræðingur. There ert margir mataræði þarna úti sem eru tilvalin fyrir vonlaus þyngd fljótt, en eru ekki gagnlegt fyrir langtíma þyngd tap markmiðum. Ef þú hefur áhuga á að missa þyngd og halda það burt, halda áfram að lesa þessa grein. Allan grein munum við ræða hvers vegna hrun mataræði virka ekki, sem og ástæður að baki því hvers vegna allt matvæli mataræði er besta þyngd tap áætlun.

skulum byrja umræðu okkar með því að læra af hverju Crash fæði er ekki góð fyrir langtíma þyngd tap lausnir. Þegar einstaklingur Crash fæði, takmarka þeir fæðuneyslu þeirra. Með því að gera svo, líkaminn fer í hungri háttur. Þegar þetta gerist það gerir það erfiðara fyrir þig að léttast af tveimur ástæðum. Í fyrsta lagi dregur það efnaskiptahraða. Þegar umbrot er lítið, hitaeiningar í líkamanum brenna hægar en þeir myndu reglulega, veldur þyngdaraukningu. Í öðru lagi, þegar líkaminn er í hungri háttur það fer að halda mat í fitufrumum þínum. Hvers vegna? Líkami þinn er betri en þú heldur! Það hefur mat í fitufrumum þína, bara ef það ætti alltaf að vera annað hungur. Svo, jafnvel ef þú missir þyngd í upphafi, annað en þú byrjar að borða aftur, líkami þinn mun bregðast við og þú munt þyngjast!

A betri valkostur? Whole Foods næringarfræðingur! Hvað þýðir í heild matvæli mataræði samanstanda af? Eins og flestum mataræði, a heild matvæli mataræði samanstendur af að borða ákveðin matvæli og takmarka aðra. Ef þú vilt léttast, þá ættir þú að halda fast við mataræði áætlun sem er fullur af ávöxtum, grænmeti, hnetum, fræjum og heilu korni. Þessi matvæli innihalda allt sem þú þarft til að halda líkamanum heilbrigðum og virka almennilega. Á sama tíma eru þeir lágt í hitaeiningum, kolvetnum og fitu, sem gerir þér kleift að borða stór hluti án þess að þyngjast!

Eins og sagði áður, í heild matvæli mataræði áætlun samanstendur ekki aðeins af því að borða rétta hluti, en forðast rangt. Dýraafurðir (mjólk, kjöt), sykur, unnin matvæli, og fljótur matvæli allt innihaldið ýmsa rotvarnarefni og efni sem eru skaðleg líkamanum og þyngd. Á meðan það er í lagi að borða mjög litla skammta af þessu, er það mælt með því að forðast þá eins mikið og mögulegt er til að stjórna heilsu og þyngd

Ef þú vilt léttast -. Og halda það burt , forðast hrun næringarfræðingur áætlun. Þess í stað áherslu á að breyta matarvenjum þínum. Viðhald allt mat mataræði áætlun sem er ríkur í ávöxtum, grænmeti, hnetum, og allt kornmeti, mun hjálpa þér að vera heilbrigð og passa! Byrja að leita til að fá meiri upplýsingar um Whole Foods í dag. There ert margir auðlindir þarna úti sem getur útskýrt nákvæmlega hvernig allt matvæli eru gagnleg til þyngd tap, eins og heilbrigður eins og afla þú með a fullur Whole Foods mataræði áætlun. Frekari upplýsingar um Whole Foods að borða í dag og borða leið til heilbrigðara líkama!


Lose Weight Fast: The 5 Best Exercises for weight loss


Losing weight is becoming an increasingly popular theme in mind, and more and more people in today’s society, but to find the right training for the right results seem like a daunting task. The main objective of any weight loss program to lose weight and stay healthy while doing it. There are effective exercises for fat burning, and the whole body can exercise and it does not have to be boring or overwhelming.

  1. One of the best exercises to do to burn fat and lose weight fast Interval Training ; interval training can consist of walking, running, jogging and swimming. This type of exercise is great, it keeps the body moving continuously at intervals of 10-20 minutes and the man is never bored. The intensity level can be beginner or advanced and the impact is still just as impressive.
  2. Notification is next exercise that constantly burns fat and keeps your metabolism working. Notification can be very intense and fun at the same time, aerobics class that involves constant change ups and a combination of stretching, jumping, dancing up and down movement is great for shedding pounds. The aerobics class should be at least 35-45 minutes of intense exercise.
  3. Strength Training is another great way to lose weight is shed fat and strengthens muscles, lifting weights with small steps helps to build muscle and not quantity, and this causes the body to get the business and builds muscle not fat. Dumbbell reps of 15 at a time are good together with similar reps of leg lifts.
  4. Stretching / Pilates ; this is a great way to bring traffic to all areas of the body, it increases the flow of oxygen to the body and it stretches the muscles that are not used every day. This encourages weight loss and it does not feel like it does. The stretching techniques are so relaxing and calming the individual forgets that they are doing something that is great for the body and distribution. Pilate grade should be at least 30-45 minutes long.
  5. Squat / Jump / Turn ; This exercise is great for burning fat and lose weight. Whenever there is a combination of movement, down, jumping and turning all within a few seconds is good for burning fat and create an intense workout. Exercises of this can also incorporate leg lagvápn and climbing movements of 10-20 reps of each

Any exercise where the body is constantly moving and movements are alternately at least 10. – 20 minutes each will burn body fat and help a person to lose weight. Beginners can start out with walking and then build to speed walk, etc. Those who back pain can make many of these exercises from a chair. It’s all about where you are mentally and physically, but fat can be of weight can be lost.


7 Permanent Weight Loss Tips to speed up metabolism


This Fast Weight Loss tips will help you drop a lot of extra pounds, if you need to lose quite a bit of weight. These 7 fast weight loss tips will also help you if you’re already in good physical condition, to sculpt the body to an even greater extent.

Any weight loss tips to help speed up metabolism do just that. They help you. You will still have overall fitness and nutrition program in accordance with the goals you want to achieve.

you have to be focused on each aspect of the plan. If you expect to use these quick weight loss tips but do not avail themselves and just watch TV eating a bag of chips every night, they will not do anything for you.

Are you ready to make this quick weight loss tips to your lifestyle?

In order to get rid of any amount of excess weight, you will speed up metabolism. Metabolism is the biological process that occurs in the body.

metabolism helps to break down the nutrients in the bloodstream. This helps you add more lean muscle, which leads to more spending power, which means that you will get rid of more fat.

You are billions of cells in the body can use up a tremendous amount of energy if you are active. The quick weight loss tips below will help you to do this. However, if you are not active, they will not burn up much at all, which means you’ll tend to easily add fat in the body.

Fortunately, using the quick weight loss tips related to healthy and active lifestyle you can speed up your metabolism quite noticeably

Fast Weight Loss Tips :. # 1. Eating special foods. Various food additives, such as spices, can help to speed up your metabolism by creating a thermodynamic burn that has been shown to last for several hours after you eat

Fast Weight Loss Tips :. # 2 Set up meals. The majority of your calories should be earlier in the day. Meals should contain less total calories as the day goes on. Try to eat little or maintain anything after dinner. Do not skip any meals. You should be eating 4-6 meals every day

Fast Weight Loss Tips: # 3 .. Make sure that you eat enough. One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose weight is that they do not eat enough.

If you do not consume the right amount of calories you will send the body in what is known as a survival mode. This happens when the body does not have enough calories, so it conserves energy to prepare for a possible famine.

On the opposite side of this, if you eat too many calories, the excess will be stored as fat. You need to exercise to burn more calories than you eat. Therefore, moderation is key when it comes to calorie intake

Fast Weight Loss Tips :. # 4. Increase your daily activity. To prevent fat storage and drop any excess you may be moving you will increase your daily activities.

This needs to include weight training and cardiovascular training. The more calories you burn, the faster you will lose weight. It’s that simple. The increase in lean muscle mass resulting in a dramatic increase in fat burning

One more. try to exercise first thing in the morning. Studies have shown that you can significantly increase fat burning ability if you exercise on an empty stomach. Which means after you wake up

Fast Weight Loss Tips :. # 5 Do weight lifting before doing any cardiovascular work. The only exception is, of course, perform 5 -. 10 minutes of cardio before weight training to warm up the muscles

This is important because you need energy in your muscles for weight training. By the time weight training session is over, you will have used up all the power energy sources.

This means that you will actually be burning fat cells of the cardio session.

Here’s what happens if you do this in reverse.

First, you will only burn carbohydrates energy cardiovascular workout. No fat cells will be used up for energy. Next, you will not have energy in your muscles to get the most out of your weight training.

You will not be able to increase lean muscle, which is very important if you want to lose your excess weight

Fast Weight Loss Tips :. # 6 Divide your exercise routine regularly. For the most part you should change something in exercise 2-3 weeks. This can range from the number of reps or sets in motion. The exercise order you perform exercises themselves.

If you do the same thing week after week, month after month your body will start to get used to what you are doing with it and will eventually stop making changes. You will also stop adding any more lean muscle

The more muscle you have the more calories you burn, even when at rest

Fast Weight Loss Tips: .. # 7 Meal combinations . Always eat protein / carbohydrate meal earlier in the day. Eat protein / fat meal composition (which means little or no carbohydrates) in the evening and at night.

The only exception is if you exercise usually in the evening. Then the first meal after a workout should consist of protein and carbohydrates.

Never eat carbohydrates and fat together in the same meal.

With these seven quick weight loss tips you will speed up your metabolism and burn excess body fat at a much faster rate.

Try these fast weight loss tips out for a while and you’ll notice a difference after a few weeks.


Weight Training for Women and Weight Loss – Weight lifting benefits


Weightlifting was one of my exercises of choice when I was younger. I was never in bodybuilding competitions, not even close to that level, but enough that I found and see my muscles take on a different shape and tone.

I always felt lighter when weightlifting, even if the muscle is heavier. It was a strange and welcome feeling to be able to propel himself more easily, whether it was a quick sprint up a hill, or jumping onto the rock. There was a sense of confidence that I could count on the required body part when it was necessary. It was exhilarating, empowering feeling.

Even though I have been an athlete all my life, in retrospect, I believe that when I was weightlifting I was in the best shape, both physically and visually. Combining weightlifting exercises with equal consistent cardio workout would give me the best qualifications of the person.

The interesting thing about weight training for women, or someone, is that when you increase your muscle you increase your metabolism leading. Weight loss increases as a natural side effect of increased muscle mass. Muscle burns twice as much energy as fat, approximately.

Bodybuilding entertainment scale, is a healthy weight loss method. Weight training program is easy to follow and most gyms will install and you followed up with a personal trainer to ensure that you use weight lifting equipment properly to avoid injury.

Weight training for women has other advantages as well in the field of prevention of osteoporosis. Weight bearing exercises increase bone density.

As I age, and hopefully not so gracefully, I longed to get back to weight training. I think the benefits are tremendous.

Know someone with a Bowflex for sale?


The Weight Loss Detox Diet


Þyngdartap Detox megrunarkúrar hafa orðið mjög vinsælar hjá orðstír, vegna þess að þeir leyfa fólki að léttast hratt, yfirleitt um 5-7 pund í 1-2 vikur. Það hljómar vel, en eins og flestir duttlungum, fólk setja þyngd aftur á eins fljótt og sprengja er lokið. Hvers vegna? Vegna þess að þeir eru ekki að borða neitt. Það er í grundvallaratriðum a fljótandi mataræði, eins og mjög vinsæll límonaði mataræði. Þau eru alvarleg kaloría skortir Detox mataræði sem leyfa líkamanum að missa verulega þyngd í mjög stuttan tíma. En um leið og þú byrjar að borða aftur, allt þyngd kemur aftur. Sem dugar leikkona sem þarf að líta vel út fyrir 1. vettvangi, en það mun ekki vinna fyrir þig miðað við að þú vilt halda þyngd burt.

Góðu fréttirnar eru að það er leið til að sprengja og léttast sem mun ekki aðeins halda þyngd burt, en tryggja að þú færð hámarks bætur heilsa … Til dæmis, ef þú gera a sprengja rétt, þú getur búist við að sjá húðinni skýr upp, frumu og fitu mun byrja að bræða burt, þú ættir að hafa mjög restful sofa, og sterkur, viðvarandi orku allan daginn. Við skulum læra meira um þetta mjög sérstakur þyngd tap sprengja, ekki að rugla saman við aðra duttlungum og óþekktarangi þarna úti núna. Það segir tvennt …

Skref 1

Til að gefa líkama þínum verkfæri það þarf að afeitra, hreinsa og endurnýja, þyngd tap sprengja mataræði verður að gefa líkamanum jafnvel fleiri vítamín, steinefni og næringarefni en venjulega. Þetta þýðir að fasta er ekki góður kostur. Þú vilt að borða matvæli ríkur í nauðsynleg næringarefni og andoxunarefni sem gerir líkamann til að skola eiturefni og mengunarefna sem hafa safnað um ævina. Með því að borða þessi matvæli, munt þú sprengja örugglega og einnig léttast. Matvæli sem þú verður að borða eru rík af næringarefnum, hátt í trefjum og lágt í fitu. Þú getur búist við að missa milli 3-7 pund yfir 7-10 daga tímabili. Og, þú munt ekki fá þyngd aftur. Hvers vegna? Vegna þess, að þú ert ekki svangur sjálfur. Líkaminn mun vera afsala fitu á heilbrigðan hátt. The bestur hluti er þessi þú vilja sjá marga aðra kosti að auki þyngd tap. Þú verður einnig að lækka kólesteról, blóðþrýsting, auka ónæmiskerfið, hafa miklu meiri orku etc …

Frábært dæmi um þetta er vítamín C. C-vítamín hefur verið sýnt í mörgum, mörgum rannsóknum til að hjálpa í megrun. Samkvæmt vísindamönnum frá Arizona State University, einstaklingar neyslu nægilegt magn af C-vítamín til að oxa (brenna) 30% meiri fitu á hóflega hreyfingu en þeir sem neyta ófullnægjandi magn. Auk þess hefur verið sýnt fram á of lítið C-vítamín í blóðinu að vera í samhengi við aukna líkamsfitu og mitti mælingar. Þetta er besta uppspretta af öllu mat, allt eðlilegt C-vítamín hvar. Vinsamlegast sjá þyngd tap Detox Diet neðan til að læra meira …

Skref 2

Næsta skref er að nota sumir öflugur, lífræn superfoods og jurtir til að flýta og efla ferli detoxing og léttast. Notaðu hágæða jurtum vel þekkt fyrir getu þeirra til að auka efnaskipti og fjarlægja fitu úr líkamanum. Sérstakar jurtir eru fær um að lækka blóðþrýsting og byggja upp styrk í veggjum bláæðum og slagæðum sem er mjög mikilvægt til að vernda hjartað úr umfram fitu. The samsetning af Herbal formúlur sem getur hjálpað líkamanum að léttast og vernda hjarta eru tilvalin fyrir þyngd tap lækkun program. Vinsamlegast sjá hér að neðan til að læra meira …

Smelltu hér til að læra meira um þyngd tap Detox Diet

Meira Resources:

Þyngd Tap Detox Diet Upplýsingar


How to Lose Weight Super Fast


to lose weight super fast there are two general strategies you can follow. In this article we will discuss the two methods and which one is right for you.

The options you have are relatively simple. They are calorie restriction and calorie spaces. There are pros and cons of each, and we will go through all of those.

Calorie restriction your standard, everyday diet. The idea behind this diet is that if you eat less food you will lose weight. This diet recommend the removal of fat from your diet. You will usually eat foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, sparing amount of meat and lots of “low fat” products.

The benefit of this type of diet is the first weight loss is fast. However, there are major drawbacks. Weight loss is almost always temporary. Calorie restriction slows metabolism, so weight loss will return to weight gain quite quickly. Another issue is hungry all the time.

Calorie space is slightly different. Instead of reducing the number of calories you consume, this method involves eating the same number of calories spread out every day. This diet recommends eating normal serving of protein with every meal and less “low fat” foods.

This diet is helpful because you are consuming the same number of calories per day. Therefore, you do not get hungry and metabolism is slow (it is likely to accelerate). The drawback of this diet is that it may need some plans in advance because you are eating more frequently.

All in all, both the diet will help you lose weight super fast. The one you choose really depends on whether you want to keep the weight off long term.


How to Really lose weight in a week – very Fast Weight Loss Tips


So you want to lose weight in a week? Are you motivated and willing to discipline yourself to make changes? If you do not, then you will probably not be able to lose weight in a week.

The problem with most obese is that they are not really motivated to lose them fast. They want to reduce the weight, however, they do not see the need to promote and drive them to reduce weight.

Here are some reasons to help you understand why you need to reduce weight.

1) to attract the opposite sex

before the fact, if you’re fat, you’re unattractive. You need to reduce your waistline to attract the opposite sex and feel good about yourself. You do not want to go to the beach looking so unattractive.

2) Improve health

You have a lot of things you want to achieve. If you do not have good health, chances are you will not be able to achieve things. You want to lose weight in a week so you can reach your goals faster

3) improve stamina

If you are obese or fat, you will feel tired easily. You will feel less productive and little is done. If only you are lighter, you’ll be able to be more creative.

These are a few words of encouragements to help you get motivated to lose weight in a week. Find reasons and the need to reduce weight and keep it in mind until you reach your goals. If you try really hard you can lose up to 15 pounds a week!


Cost of Weight Loss Programs


The cost of weight loss programs Can be quite high but some are reasonably priced. After extensive research and analysis of some of the most popular diet programs on the market, we are now making our findings public in order to Assist you in making an informed choice When deciding-which program best meets your needs.

One popular program we found in our search was priced at $ 65.00 for the first three months and $ 16.95 for Each additional month. Foods are assigned a certainties “point” value and you lose weight by not surpassing your point allowance. This point system is not Convincing to all Critics.

Another program costs $ 40.00 per month and uses pre-packaged foods and Nutritional Shakes and snacks as part of a short term weight loss program. We found That the drop out rate is high due to cost and a lack of variety in available foods.

The third in our list is an on-line program. Plans begin at $ 4.50 per week plus an additional $ 2.00 for online chats and another $ 3.00 per week for access to online fitness programs. Due to These fees and costs, the actual monthly cost is not transparent or Easily predictable and Can change from month to month.

The last in our cost of weight loss programs list Specifically targets Vegetarians and the prevention and reversal of heart disease. No Calorie intake limits are superimposed as long as the only foods Eaten are from the allowed foods group. The cost, $ 15.00.

These four products in our Cost Of Weight Loss Programs list, have been Ranked as by Responsible consumer agencies as “the best overall”, “best plan with pre-packaged foods,” “best online weight loss community “, and” best diet program for Vegetarians “respectively.

Still, unless you are a vegetarian, simple math suggest you could easilyNavigation spend 100’s of dollars with no money back guarantee. This turns Many persons off and kills Any Curiosity They may have had.

Determining the cost of weight loss programs Makes Sense When You Realize you could pay $ 500.00 a month or more for Memberships and pre-packaged meals When You probably spend less than that for store overbought groceries You Can Prepare fresh in your own home.

If you are persistent though and really want to know the cost of weight loss programs, you can find some That do come with full money Back Guarantee at reasonable prices. There are a few out there!

To find some of These programs, Google “diet costs” or similar setningar. Analyze the results. Select programs That promise reasonable results with a money back guarantee and You Can fairly and objectively determiner the cost of weight loss programs. Get Started Today. All you have to lose is weight.

R. Louis


Rapid Weight Loss Food


Rapid weight loss foods can be tricky to find. There are indeed foods out there that help you lose weight fast. However, keep in mind that by just eating these foods without a healthy diet combined with exercise, you are just going to be holding you back from true rapid weight loss. So what should be a plan of attack?

The first thing you need to understand is that rapid weight loss is achieved through sustainable healthy diet. This diet must incorporate rapid weight loss foods and other elements to give your body all the nutrients it needs. Veges, fruit, carbohydrates and lean meat are key to your success.

Foods that are specifically aimed at rapid weight loss are those that speed up your metabolism. This is the underlying principle behind fat burning pills. They contain caffeine and other accelerants that accelerates the body to make you lose weight. However, these often do not work and cause more problems than anything else. Foods that do this are citrus fruits, soybeans, fresh fruit and garlic. This is just to name a few.

The trick is to use these rapid weight loss foods to cook up meals that taste good. Diets that taste like sandpaper are not going to work. As humans we can not stick to what we hate. Low carb, low fat and starvation diets are not going to cut it. There are hundreds of recipes out there that use the right foods to create meals that are restaurant will without much effort.

Exercise is the next stage and should not be ignored. Yes rapid weight loss foods will help you lose weight fast, but the exercise of that really accelerate your success. Cardio every other day for at least 20 minutes is all it takes. If you can do more, do more. The more cardio you do the more calories you burn, it is so simple.

One tip to keep your cardio sessions exciting to mix them up. Try running, swimming, riding and master. Alternate them on the same day and / or day to day. This avoids the brain by connecting it to a boring routine. Another tip is to invest in small Mp3 player. This greatly enhance the pleasure of running meetings and can really inspire you. Music has a strange way to talk to us and give us the energy we not applicable.

Rapid weight loss foods work. But you can not rely solely on them achieve fast weight loss. You need to integrate them into the fundamental basics of weight loss. If you can do this you could be flaunting your sexy body on the beach in no time. Most importantly, do not fall for gimmicks debris and keep the motivation up.


10 Killer Tips for Rapid Weight Loss


In order to make the most of the weight loss program, finding the most effective ways to burn fat will maximize your results and minimize your waistline! Follow these 10 tips for fat burning if you want to lose weight and live a healthier life.

1). Drink more water

One of the best weight loss secrets is to ditch the sodas and stick to water! Experts say you should drink about eight glasses of water a day to stay hydrated and healthy. Instead of turning to calorie-laden or sugar-rich drinks, grab a refreshing glass of water. In addition to flushing toxins from your system, drinking water encourages you to build muscle.

2.) Eat more meals

A traditional three meals a day plan just will not cut it if you’re in the market to burn fat. Your body is not able to break large meals and will quickly turn any excess into fat. Many experts believe you should eat six small meals a day. Make sure you cut back on your consumption of foods in every meal, or else you will be doubling the intake – and doubling fat storage website

3) Work out with weights

one great. way to maximize the amount of fat you are burning is to add a weight program to your work out routine. Weight training will not only tone your physique, but will strengthen your body and improve your overall health. Lifting weights will also burn calories and fat faster than traditional exercise, and it will also increase your metabolism.

. 4) Select Protein

Select protein-laden foods to boost your metabolism and make your body burn fat fast. In addition to burning fat, consuming a protein-enriched diet will help you to build muscle after work outs and maintain leanness of that muscle. Rational choice for protein diet. Take great care to proteins low in fat so you do not consume extra calories.

5.) Cut calories wise

It can be tempting to drastically cut your calorie intake when you start a healthy lifestyle. Instead of using a step method when cutting your calorie intake to minimize risk. Reducing calories too fast body rapidly burning all available calories, which will lower your metabolism. Furthermore, you are more likely to maintain a healthy life through this step process.

6.) Reward yourself

When it comes to successfully dieting to burn the most fat, be sure to reward yourself. Everyone has temptations and favorite treats – so allow indulgence. You will be less likely to cheat on your new diet if you grant you a little reward. If you are a chocolate lover, treat yourself to a small square of chocolate or chocolate kiss each evening.

7.) Avoid Marathon Work Outs

The biggest mistake people make when looking to burn fat and lose weight is to have a long, extensive work out session. Instead, break up the work out plan into small pieces during the day. Take a brisk walk in the morning, enjoy a work out at lunch, and then exercise more in the evening. In addition to staying active all day, break up your work out better to keep your metabolism.

8) Mix it up

choose to participate in a variety of quality exercises will keep your interest and best allow you to keep your goal is to burn fat. Instead of doing the same exercises every day – mix it up! Vote to swim laps one day, jog another, and bike the next. Rotating your activities will not only allow you to experience a variety of sports, it will also allow you to better tone your body.

9.) Skip Happy Hour

For those individuals who want to burn fat quickly, avoid alcohol. Rich in sugar and carbohydrates, alcohol is calorie-rich content. These empty calories can add up quickly and take away from necessary nutrients that should be included in the daily diet. Furthermore, alcohol acts as a deterrent for burning fat, allowing the body to store it faster.

10.) Try a low GI diet

A low GI diet is a great method to burn fat quickly. This diet encourages individuals to consume large amounts of foods with low rankings on the glycemic index. These foods are nutritious and will aid your body in burning fat and calories at a quicker pace. This diet includes many of your favorite fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy and grain products.

Copyright 2005 Wesley Atkins
