Secrets To Successful Interval Training For Weight Loss


The term weight loss gets over 7 million searches every month. It brings up over 150 million results. With so much information out there, how is anyone supposed to know what works. Interval training for weight loss works, if you do it right.

If weight loss is your goal, then interval training is the key to success.

First of all, what is interval training?

Simply put, interval training is exercising with bursts of intense activity, spaced out between slower, less intense activities. A simple example would be jogging for 60 seconds, and then sprinting for 15, and continuing the cycle.

If you want to have real success, there is more to it.

Here are some key tips to help ensure your success with interval training for weight loss.

1 – Eat Before You Exercise

Don’t just eat anything. About 30 minutes before you start your workout, eat something healthy, and easily digested. Some great snacks include carbs (whole wheat), quality protein, along with fruits and vegetables. Research has shown that eating something healthy about 30 minutes before your interval training workout will help you workout harder, longer, and burn more calories after the workout.

2 – Warm Up

You may be starting your workout off with a slow, low intensity movement, but you will soon be going all out. Not warming up is just asking for an injury.

3 – Use Your Large Muscles Groups

It is not uncommon to see people in the gym saying they are trying to lose weight, but doing nothing but single joint movements, such as bicep curls. They focus on 1 muscles, often a smaller muscle, and they wonder why they aren’t losing weight. If you want to burn big calories, use your big muscles. Total body movements are great, since, well, they incorporate your whole body. Remember, more muscles being used will optimize your interval training for weight loss.

4 – Mix Up The Length Of The Intervals

There are benefits to long (60 – 90 second) intervals, along with shorter (20 – 30 second) intervals. Simply put, the more you surprise your body, the better. People are often hesitant about going all out when they know that they will need to keep it up for 60-90 seconds. When you know that the interval is only going to last for 20 – 30 seconds, you can really go into it with an all out attitude.


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